Book a rural experience for the whole family

Experience the best from the farm

As a visitor to Rugstorp's Lantgård there is much to experience. If you love the Swedish nature with all that it can offer, you have found exactly the right place! On the Nature Map you can see our cycle paths that start from the farm and lead you back home.

If you want to visit our cafe and shop, you can see our opening hours at the bottom of the home page. Our RV Sites are open all year round, and if you want to try Glamping, you can book from mid-April to the end of September.

We can offer various experiences for you who want that little bit extra, you can find them further down the page.

Tractor & trailer

Go on a tour around the farm, hear the farmer Örjan tell about the farm, the animals and life as a farmer. 

Lamb safari

Helgen på sportlovet 22-23/2  är det dags för vårt återkommande Lammsafari.
Lördag klockan 13, 14 , 15 och Söndag klockan 14 och 15 avgår turerna som tar ca 45 minuter.
I lagom stora grupper för att alla ska få se, får Du följa med Ingeli till Fårhuset och träffa lammen, lära lite mer om dom och få chansen att klappa något lamm.

Taste the farm

Taste the farm - a tasty experience from farm to table where farmer Örjan tells about the farm past and present. Delicacies are promised!

Rugstorps Lantgård!


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070 665 31 31



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Rugstorps Lantgård
39592 Rockneby


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