Experience the animals and the farm

The farm

Do you want to get a little closer to our life and know more about the farm and what we do? Then you can book one of the experiences with us! The minimum number per tour is 6 people. Send an email about when, which experience you are interested in and the number of people and we will get back to you.

The tractor tour only runs during the summer when the animals are out grazing

Tour with tractor and trailer
Go on a tour around the farm, hear the farmer Örjan tell about the farm, the animals and life as a farmer. 

Food tour

Taste the farm - a tasty experience from farm to table where farmer Örjan tells about the farm past and present. Delicacies are promised!



There are 65 black and white (Holstein) dairy cows on the farm. They graze in an open environment with and are milked by a milking robot. The cows are milked when they want to. We also have dams with a large proportion of Angus. They provide the greatest benefit to biodiversity by grazing our paddocks in the summer.

Vi har även dikor med stor del Angus som moderdjur. De gör den största nyttan för den biologiska mångfalden genom att det betar våra hagar på sommaren.

The sheep

Our sheep herd is about 85 ewes and 5 rams of different sheep breeds. 

Fine wool sheep is a pretty breed and as the name suggests, they have very fine wool. It is soft and cuddly and you can use it to, among other things, felt

Texel is a meat breed and therefore grows relatively fast. Their wool is wadding-like and works well as padding or you can dye it and use it as decoration in e.g. Easter Christmas or for needle felting.

The lambs are born in January-February in our sheep house. A warm and dry bed of straw gives the lambs a good start in life, so that they are well equipped when it's time to go out to pasture at the end of April. The sheep's grazing contributes to the biological diversity of the mule's lands. Lamb and mutton meat is available for purchase in our farm shop. Both as a lamb box and as a detail piece.

Rugstorps Lantgård!


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Café & bakery
Café & gårdsbutik

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Rugstorps Lantgård
39592 Rockneby


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